My daughter turned 12 this month and asked her friends to help us with the 5box challenge instead of buying her a gift. We also hosted a Men’s Breakfast & Bible study in our home for our church. The girls told those men what we were doing and put out a bucket for donations. Then, we finished up by going around to our neighbors and giving homemade cookies to those that gave donations.
My prayer for my girls is that they will always see the opportunities God puts before us and not just have good intentions to ‘stand’ for a cause…but actually ‘do’ something. I pray they will look back and remember that’s what our family did and what they should do in their own way as well.
In this world where our children are so blessed and truly need nothing, I feel like it is even more difficult to mold them into the servants God intends them to be. There are so many distractions and ideas about who is most important. (ME, ME, ME) There is always something waiting to fill our time and hearts.
It’s difficult for busy parents to stay on track too. So, as I try not to beat myself up about not doing enough, I realize we can all do a little more. I pray for opportunities to serve others and for the wisdom to see those opportunities. I am convinced I don’t always see them…but attempting to keep that focus definitely helps.
There are so many things families can do to encourage, and mold the children God has blessed them with, even from a very young age. We just have to remember that even though we can’t all do the big things -mission trips, organize a highly successful fundraiser, etc…we can do something…and those ‘little somethings’ help too. I also try to remember while participating in those ‘little something’s’, it’s important to stay focused on MY goal-raising MY children. We can all get caught up in even the good things and get side tracked. We have them at home for just a little while.
The main thing I recommend is to Be Intentional.
Would you like to bring a smile to a child facing medical challenges? We invite you to join the 5Box Challenge.