1. Adopt a Family – Go Shopping for Gifts

When you sign up to adopt a family for Christmas, we will match you with a family and provide you with the ages of the children. Sign up form is below!

Shop for a gift for each child (up to $30 value per child) and wrap the gift.

For the parents, we would like them to receive a $100 Amazon gift card. This will allow them to either buy something for themselves or get something for their family. If you want to add a small gift for the parents you may, but that is optional.

Don’t have time to shop, but still want to help? You can donate Amazon Gift cards and mail to the Sunshine office (address below) or GIVE online to help make Christmas special for the families we serve. Click to GIVE.

2. Make Christmas Cards for the Family

Write a Christmas card for the whole family or make cards for every person in the family. It’s up to you. You can also add some fun, seasonal items to the package if you would like.

3. Package and drop off by December 1

Please put your wrapped Christmas presents in a box that can be shipped. Do not seal the box.  Items need to be dropped off at the Spreading Sunshine office by Thursday, December 1. Our drop-off hours are Tuesday – Thursday, 10:00 – 2:00. Contact [email protected] if you have questions or to arrange a time to drop off.

Spreading Sunshine office
825 Timber Creek Drive, Suite 102
Cordova, TN 38018