Valentine’s Card Details

Thank you for helping us spread love this Valentine’s Day!

Here’s everything you need to know about making cards for families in the Spreading Sunshine Community and those spending the holiday at the hospital:

Supplies Needed

Construction paper, scissors, markers, paint, and any “extra” things you would like to add (glitter, stickers, etc.).

Please, DO NOT

X  Include a name (Cards should be generic)
X  Place cards in an envelope (unless mailing to Spreading Sunshine)
X  Write phrases like “Get Well Soon” or “Feel Better Soon” – many of our Sunshine Kids are battling chronic illnesses and will never be fully cured. Valentine cards will also be given to siblings.

Please, DO

✓  Write happy encouragements, like “Happy Valentine’s Day!” or “You are special!” or “Spreading Sunshine is praying for you!”
✓  Be creative and artistic!
✓  Make BOY and GIRL Valentines for all ages!

Return cards to Spreading Sunshine:

Mail or drop off cards to the Spreading Sunshine office by February 5, 2024

Spreading Sunshine
825 Timbercreek Drive, Suite 102
Cordova, TN 38018

Monday – Thursday, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm


Do you have questions or need to arrange a different drop off time?

Please email [email protected]