The Healing Power of Music


Christmas is a time of music. While there may be lots of debate about the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music (October is too EARLY!), we can all agree that music is powerful in worship and celebration. 

But it’s also powerful in something else. Healing. 

Research Reveals Music’s Healing Impact

The research reveals some amazing results. According to the Harvard Medical School blog, music can reduce anxiety in invasive procedures, restore lost speech, reduce the debilitating side effects of cancer treatments and help pain relief.

Music has always been considered to be healing. According to health psychologist Shilagh Mirgain, PhD in the University of Wisconsin blog,  “Across the history of time, music has been used in all cultures for healing and medicine. Every culture has found the importance of creating and listening to music. Even Hippocrates believed music was deeply intertwined with the medical arts.” 

Bringing Music Back for a Family Facing Childhood Illness

More than anything, here at Spreading Sunshine our hearts yearn for healing for our precious Sunshine Children. Long hospital stays, the endless testing, and the heartbreaking diagnoses take their toll. Despite the struggles, many of our families know all too well the emotionally healing power of music. 

In the last few months, Spreading Sunshine has partnered with Music Box in Germantown, TN. Knowing the tremendous benefits of music instruction, owners Alex and Yelena Ovando wanted to partner with Spreading Sunshine to serve families impacted by childhood illness.  Together, we created an ongoing scholarship program for Sunshine Families for music lessons. The first scholarship is being given to two siblings of Micah, who is undergoing cancer treatment. 

The family moved to Memphis for treatment and had to leave their music lessons behind. Music Box stepped up to fill the gap.  

Heather, Micah’s mom, told us that before Micah’s diagnosis, his sisters Holland and Skyler played everyday. They were active in piano, ukulele and guitar. Holland was even singing and writing her own music. 

Music Lessons Change Lives

Music was a constant presence in their house. However, once Micah was diagnosed, things changed. 

“Music is always being played and Micah is ALWAYS singing and we dance to Christmas music,” Heather said, “BUT the girls haven’t picked up an instrument, written songs or sang together. Yesterday, they had their first class. Spreading Sunshine and the Music Box made this happen.” 

Even after the first lesson, Heather recognized the impact on their family.  “They both got in the van thrilled. Filled up. Motivated. Their love for all things music was on fire again. My heart is filled with joy and I feel like our pieces are being put back together. To have music back into my house is a gift. I honestly don’t have the words to thank you. This one really impacted my heart.”

We are excited to be a part of a life-changing music scholarship that will bless this family and others in the future. 

My Hope for the New Year

The research shows what we’ve seen firsthand with a family facing childhood cancer. As we enter a new year, I hope we can all find a little emotional healing. It’s been a hard year, and I’d encourage you to remember the healing power of music. So put on a little music and let it begin to heal your heart and your mind. 

The music scholarships are being made possible through the generosity of our donors. If you’d like to help fund these scholarships, click on the button below.