written by Abigail Sacran, Founder, Spreading Sunshine
You might be asking yourself, “Why should I join the 5Box Challenge”? Here is a basic truth: YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you haven’t heard of the 5Box Challenge, read What’s the 5Box Challenge?.
At the same time you might be telling yourself, “I don’t have any extra money.” But the truth is the generosity of one individual, when combined with others, makes a difference. That’s where the 5Box Challenge comes in. You can work together with your friends and family to make a huge difference.
My perspective on charities has changed since we began Spreading Sunshine. Now I rarely pass a fundraising organization without donating. Do I donate a lot of money? No. But some loose change, a few dollar bills can make a big difference. Before David was born, I lived in a bubble. I knew very few families affected by illness or disability. My life is different now; illness and disability are an everyday part of it. Not only does my son have Down syndrome and various health issues, but I serve an organization that focuses on ministering to families who are impacted by illness and disability. I see it all the time. My life experiences give me a strong desire to love and serve these families.
The 5Box Challenge gives YOU an easy way TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. With the help of friends and family, you can sponsor 5 Sunshine Boxes. These boxes will be shipped to children and families who are facing serious medical challenges. They will encourage, bring joy, and give hope. What’s stopping you? Go ahead, get involved!
We need your help to reach our goal to raise funds to send 500 Sunshine Boxes.
You can make a difference! CLICK TO JOIN THE 5BOX CHALLENGE .
The post You Can Make A Difference appeared first on Spreading Sunshine.